Curriculum Vitae of H.E. Ms. Afsaneh Nadipour





Born on 1 August 1967

Married, with 2 children



In Process: Ph.D in International Law, Allameh Tabatabaei University

1995  MA in International Relations, University of Tehran

1989  BA in Political Science, University of Tehran


Diplomatic Career

Feb 2020: - Ambassador of I.R of Iran to Denmark

2018 – Jan 2020:  Assistant to the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Citizenship Rights

2015 – 2017: Minister-Counsellor, Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, The Hague, (Legal – International Affairs, and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW))

2013- 2015: Senior Expert on World Bank, IMF and WTO, Department of Trade and Negotiations

2010 – 2013: Second Counsellor, Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran – Tokyo

2005 – 2010: Deputy Head, Department of Human Rights, and Expert, Department of Rules and Regulations

2000 – 2005: Second Secretary, Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations Office – Geneva

1992 – 1999: Expert, Human Rights Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs