News Agency:News
Embassy Statement on the Missile Strike on Hospital in Gaza
The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Copenhagen condemns, in the strongest terms, the Israeli missile strike on a hospital in Gaza sheltering people seeking refuge from Israel’s heinous crime of indiscriminately bombing the enclave to oblivion.
In The Name of Allah The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Copenhagen condemns, in the strongest terms, the Israeli missile strike on a hospital in Gaza sheltering people seeking refuge from Israel’s heinous crime of indiscriminately bombing the enclave to oblivion. 75 years of occupation, subjugation and dehumanization of Palestinians will weigh heavily on the conscience of those giving unquestioned support to Israel as the scale and brutality of the crimes unfold in the very eye of the international community. The barbarity of forced displacement of masses of people, a war crime in itself, wanes in comparison with the inhumaneness of the crime to deliberately target innocent people led to believe they would be safe in a hospital compound.  
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